Value | Meaning |
Ok0 | Not an error (will not occur in an exception) |
OutOfMemory | Ran out of memory, e.g. when disassembling a long byte-stream |
UnsupportedArchitecture | Requested an unsupported architecture, e.g. when compiled without corresponding support |
InvalidHandle | Using an invalid handle to a Capstone engine instance (cannot happen) |
InvalidCshArgument | Using an invalid handle as argument (cannot happen) |
InvalidMode | Requested invalid/unsupported mode, e.g. Mode.bigEndian for Arch.x86 |
InvalidOption | Using invalid/unsupported option |
UnavailableInstructionDetail | Trying to access unavailable instruction detail |
UninitializedDynamicMemoryManagement | Dynamic memory management uninitialised (cannot happen - not implemented yet) |
UnsupportedVersion | Mismatch of bindings and library version |
IrrelevantDataAccessInDietEngine | Accessing data that is unavailable/invalid in diet mode |
IrrelevantDataAccessInSkipdataMode | Accessing data that is irrelevant for "data" instruction in SKIPDATA mode (cannot happen) |
UnsupportedATnTSyntax | Requesting unsupported AT&T syntax (opt-out at compile time) |
UnsupportedIntelSyntax | Requesting unsupported Intel syntax (opt-out at compile time) |
UnsupportedMasmSyntax | Requesting unsupported MASM syntax (opt-out at compile time) |
Original error codes of the wrapped Capstone library
Note that some cannot occur by design of the bindings, e.g. using an invalid handle to the Capstone engine.