1 /// Types and constants of System z architecture
2 module capstone.sysz;
4 import std.exception: enforce;
5 import std.conv: to;
7 import capstone.api;
8 import capstone.capstone;
9 import capstone.detail;
10 import capstone.instruction;
11 import capstone.instructiongroup;
12 import capstone.internal;
13 import capstone.register;
14 import capstone.utils;
16 /// Architecture-specific Register variant
17 class SyszRegister : RegisterImpl!SyszRegisterId {
18     package this(in Capstone cs, in int id) {
19         super(cs, id);
20     }
21 }
23 /// Architecture-specific InstructionGroup variant
24 class SyszInstructionGroup : InstructionGroupImpl!SyszInstructionGroupId {
25     package this(in Capstone cs, in int id) {
26         super(cs, id);
27     }
28 }
30 /// Architecture-specific Detail variant
31 class SyszDetail : DetailImpl!(SyszRegister, SyszInstructionGroup, SyszInstructionDetail) {
32     package this(in Capstone cs, cs_detail* internal) {
33 		super(cs, internal);
34 	}
35 }
37 /// Architecture-specific instruction variant
38 class SyszInstruction : InstructionImpl!(SyszInstructionId, SyszRegister, SyszDetail) {
39     package this(in Capstone cs, cs_insn* internal) {
40 		super(cs, internal);
41 	}
42 }
44 /// Architecture-specific Capstone variant
45 class CapstoneSysz : CapstoneImpl!(SyszInstructionId, SyszInstruction) {
46     /** Creates an architecture-specific instance with a given mode of interpretation
48     Params:
49         modeFlags = The (initial) mode of interpretation, which can still be changed later on
50     */
51 	this(in ModeFlags modeFlags){
52         super(Arch.sysz, modeFlags);
53     }
54 }
56 /** Instruction's operand referring to memory
58 This is associated with the `SyszOpType.mem` operand type
59 */
60 struct SyszOpMem {
61 	SyszRegister base;	/// Base register
62 	SyszRegister index; /// Index register
63 	ulong length; 		/// BDLAddr operand
64 	long disp;	  		/// Displacement/offset value
66 	package this(in Capstone cs, sysz_op_mem internal){
67 		base = new SyszRegister(cs, internal.base);
68 		index = new SyszRegister(cs, internal.index);
69 		length = internal.length;
70 		disp = internal.disp;
71 	}
72 }
74 /// Union of possible operand types
75 union SyszOpValue {
76 	SyszRegister reg;	/// Register
77 	long imm;			/// Immediate
78 	SyszOpMem mem;		/// Memory
79 }
81 /// Instruction's operand
82 struct SyszOp {
83     SyszOpType type;   /// Operand type
84     SafeUnion!SyszOpValue value; /// Operand value of type `type`
85     alias value this;  /// Convenient access to value (as in original bindings)
87     package this(in Capstone cs, cs_sysz_op internal){
88         type = internal.type.to!SyszOpType;
89         final switch(internal.type) {
90             case SyszOpType.invalid:
91                 break;
92             case SyszOpType.reg, SyszOpType.acreg:
93                 value.reg = new SyszRegister(cs, internal.reg);
94                 break;
95             case SyszOpType.imm:
96                 value.imm = internal.imm;
97                 break;
98             case SyszOpType.mem:
99                 value.mem = SyszOpMem(cs, internal.mem);
100                 break;
101         }
102     }
103 }
105 /// System z-specific information about an instruction
106 struct SyszInstructionDetail {
107 	SyszCc cc;		   /// Code condition
108     SyszOp[] operands; /// Operands for this instruction.
110     package this(in Capstone cs, cs_arch_detail arch_detail){
111 		auto internal = arch_detail.sysz;
112 		cc = internal.cc.to!SyszCc;
113         foreach(op; internal.operands[0..internal.op_count])
114             operands ~= SyszOp(cs, op);
115     }
116 }
118 //=============================================================================
119 // Constants
120 //=============================================================================
122 /// Operand type for instruction's operands
123 enum SyszOpType {
124 	invalid = 0, /// Uninitialized
125 	reg, 		 /// Register operand
126 	imm, 		 /// Immediate operand
127 	mem, 		 /// Memory operand
128 	acreg = 64,	 /// Access register operand
129 }
131 /// Enums corresponding to SystemZ condition codes
132 enum SyszCc {
133 	invalid = 0,
135 	o,
136 	h,
137 	nle,
138 	l,
139 	nhe,
140 	lh,
141 	ne,
142 	e,
143 	nlh,
144 	he,
145 	nl,
146 	le,
147 	nh,
148 	no,
149 }
151 /** SystemZ registers
153 Note that the registers 0..15 are prefixed by r, i.e. the are named r0..r15
154 */
155 enum SyszRegisterId {
156 	invalid = 0,
158 	r0, 
159 	r1, 
160 	r2, 
161 	r3, 
162 	r4, 
163 	r5, 
164 	r6, 
165 	r7, 
166 	r8, 
167 	r9, 
168 	r10,
169 	r11,
170 	r12,
171 	r13,
172 	r14,
173 	r15,
174 	cc,
175 	f0,
176 	f1,
177 	f2,
178 	f3,
179 	f4,
180 	f5,
181 	f6,
182 	f7,
183 	f8,
184 	f9,
185 	f10,
186 	f11,
187 	f12,
188 	f13,
189 	f14,
190 	f15,
192 	r0l,
193 }
195 /// SystemZ instruction
196 enum SyszInstructionId {
197 	invalid = 0,
199 	a,
200 	adb,
201 	adbr,
202 	aeb,
203 	aebr,
204 	afi,
205 	ag,
206 	agf,
207 	agfi,
208 	agfr,
209 	aghi,
210 	aghik,
211 	agr,
212 	agrk,
213 	agsi,
214 	ah,
215 	ahi,
216 	ahik,
217 	ahy,
218 	aih,
219 	al,
220 	alc,
221 	alcg,
222 	alcgr,
223 	alcr,
224 	alfi,
225 	alg,
226 	algf,
227 	algfi,
228 	algfr,
229 	alghsik,
230 	algr,
231 	algrk,
232 	alhsik,
233 	alr,
234 	alrk,
235 	aly,
236 	ar,
237 	ark,
238 	asi,
239 	axbr,
240 	ay,
241 	bcr,
242 	brc,
243 	brcl,
244 	cgij,
245 	cgrj,
246 	cij,
247 	clgij,
248 	clgrj,
249 	clij,
250 	clrj,
251 	crj,
252 	ber,
253 	je,
254 	jge,
255 	loce,
256 	locge,
257 	locgre,
258 	locre,
259 	stoce,
260 	stocge,
261 	bhr,
262 	bher,
263 	jhe,
264 	jghe,
265 	loche,
266 	locghe,
267 	locgrhe,
268 	locrhe,
269 	stoche,
270 	stocghe,
271 	jh,
272 	jgh,
273 	loch,
274 	locgh,
275 	locgrh,
276 	locrh,
277 	stoch,
278 	stocgh,
279 	cgijnlh,
280 	cgrjnlh,
281 	cijnlh,
282 	clgijnlh,
283 	clgrjnlh,
284 	clijnlh,
285 	clrjnlh,
286 	crjnlh,
287 	cgije,
288 	cgrje,
289 	cije,
290 	clgije,
291 	clgrje,
292 	clije,
293 	clrje,
294 	crje,
295 	cgijnle,
296 	cgrjnle,
297 	cijnle,
298 	clgijnle,
299 	clgrjnle,
300 	clijnle,
301 	clrjnle,
302 	crjnle,
303 	cgijh,
304 	cgrjh,
305 	cijh,
306 	clgijh,
307 	clgrjh,
308 	clijh,
309 	clrjh,
310 	crjh,
311 	cgijnl,
312 	cgrjnl,
313 	cijnl,
314 	clgijnl,
315 	clgrjnl,
316 	clijnl,
317 	clrjnl,
318 	crjnl,
319 	cgijhe,
320 	cgrjhe,
321 	cijhe,
322 	clgijhe,
323 	clgrjhe,
324 	clijhe,
325 	clrjhe,
326 	crjhe,
327 	cgijnhe,
328 	cgrjnhe,
329 	cijnhe,
330 	clgijnhe,
331 	clgrjnhe,
332 	clijnhe,
333 	clrjnhe,
334 	crjnhe,
335 	cgijl,
336 	cgrjl,
337 	cijl,
338 	clgijl,
339 	clgrjl,
340 	clijl,
341 	clrjl,
342 	crjl,
343 	cgijnh,
344 	cgrjnh,
345 	cijnh,
346 	clgijnh,
347 	clgrjnh,
348 	clijnh,
349 	clrjnh,
350 	crjnh,
351 	cgijle,
352 	cgrjle,
353 	cijle,
354 	clgijle,
355 	clgrjle,
356 	clijle,
357 	clrjle,
358 	crjle,
359 	cgijne,
360 	cgrjne,
361 	cijne,
362 	clgijne,
363 	clgrjne,
364 	clijne,
365 	clrjne,
366 	crjne,
367 	cgijlh,
368 	cgrjlh,
369 	cijlh,
370 	clgijlh,
371 	clgrjlh,
372 	clijlh,
373 	clrjlh,
374 	crjlh,
375 	blr,
376 	bler,
377 	jle,
378 	jgle,
379 	locle,
380 	locgle,
381 	locgrle,
382 	locrle,
383 	stocle,
384 	stocgle,
385 	blhr,
386 	jlh,
387 	jglh,
388 	loclh,
389 	locglh,
390 	locgrlh,
391 	locrlh,
392 	stoclh,
393 	stocglh,
394 	jl,
395 	jgl,
396 	locl,
397 	locgl,
398 	locgrl,
399 	locrl,
400 	loc,
401 	locg,
402 	locgr,
403 	locr,
404 	stocl,
405 	stocgl,
406 	bner,
407 	jne,
408 	jgne,
409 	locne,
410 	locgne,
411 	locgrne,
412 	locrne,
413 	stocne,
414 	stocgne,
415 	bnhr,
416 	bnher,
417 	jnhe,
418 	jgnhe,
419 	locnhe,
420 	locgnhe,
421 	locgrnhe,
422 	locrnhe,
423 	stocnhe,
424 	stocgnhe,
425 	jnh,
426 	jgnh,
427 	locnh,
428 	locgnh,
429 	locgrnh,
430 	locrnh,
431 	stocnh,
432 	stocgnh,
433 	bnlr,
434 	bnler,
435 	jnle,
436 	jgnle,
437 	locnle,
438 	locgnle,
439 	locgrnle,
440 	locrnle,
441 	stocnle,
442 	stocgnle,
443 	bnlhr,
444 	jnlh,
445 	jgnlh,
446 	locnlh,
447 	locgnlh,
448 	locgrnlh,
449 	locrnlh,
450 	stocnlh,
451 	stocgnlh,
452 	jnl,
453 	jgnl,
454 	locnl,
455 	locgnl,
456 	locgrnl,
457 	locrnl,
458 	stocnl,
459 	stocgnl,
460 	bnor,
461 	jno,
462 	jgno,
463 	locno,
464 	locgno,
465 	locgrno,
466 	locrno,
467 	stocno,
468 	stocgno,
469 	bor,
470 	jo,
471 	jgo,
472 	loco,
473 	locgo,
474 	locgro,
475 	locro,
476 	stoco,
477 	stocgo,
478 	stoc,
479 	stocg,
480 	basr,
481 	br,
482 	bras,
483 	brasl,
484 	j,
485 	jg,
486 	brct,
487 	brctg,
488 	c,
489 	cdb,
490 	cdbr,
491 	cdfbr,
492 	cdgbr,
493 	cdlfbr,
494 	cdlgbr,
495 	ceb,
496 	cebr,
497 	cefbr,
498 	cegbr,
499 	celfbr,
500 	celgbr,
501 	cfdbr,
502 	cfebr,
503 	cfi,
504 	cfxbr,
505 	cg,
506 	cgdbr,
507 	cgebr,
508 	cgf,
509 	cgfi,
510 	cgfr,
511 	cgfrl,
512 	cgh,
513 	cghi,
514 	cghrl,
515 	cghsi,
516 	cgr,
517 	cgrl,
518 	cgxbr,
519 	ch,
520 	chf,
521 	chhsi,
522 	chi,
523 	chrl,
524 	chsi,
525 	chy,
526 	cih,
527 	cl,
528 	clc,
529 	clfdbr,
530 	clfebr,
531 	clfhsi,
532 	clfi,
533 	clfxbr,
534 	clg,
535 	clgdbr,
536 	clgebr,
537 	clgf,
538 	clgfi,
539 	clgfr,
540 	clgfrl,
541 	clghrl,
542 	clghsi,
543 	clgr,
544 	clgrl,
545 	clgxbr,
546 	clhf,
547 	clhhsi,
548 	clhrl,
549 	cli,
550 	clih,
551 	cliy,
552 	clr,
553 	clrl,
554 	clst,
555 	cly,
556 	cpsdr,
557 	cr,
558 	crl,
559 	cs,
560 	csg,
561 	csy,
562 	cxbr,
563 	cxfbr,
564 	cxgbr,
565 	cxlfbr,
566 	cxlgbr,
567 	cy,
568 	ddb,
569 	ddbr,
570 	deb,
571 	debr,
572 	dl,
573 	dlg,
574 	dlgr,
575 	dlr,
576 	dsg,
577 	dsgf,
578 	dsgfr,
579 	dsgr,
580 	dxbr,
581 	ear,
582 	fidbr,
583 	fidbra,
584 	fiebr,
585 	fiebra,
586 	fixbr,
587 	fixbra,
588 	flogr,
589 	ic,
590 	icy,
591 	iihf,
592 	iihh,
593 	iihl,
594 	iilf,
595 	iilh,
596 	iill,
597 	ipm,
598 	l,
599 	la,
600 	laa,
601 	laag,
602 	laal,
603 	laalg,
604 	lan,
605 	lang,
606 	lao,
607 	laog,
608 	larl,
609 	lax,
610 	laxg,
611 	lay,
612 	lb,
613 	lbh,
614 	lbr,
615 	lcdbr,
616 	lcebr,
617 	lcgfr,
618 	lcgr,
619 	lcr,
620 	lcxbr,
621 	ld,
622 	ldeb,
623 	ldebr,
624 	ldgr,
625 	ldr,
626 	ldxbr,
627 	ldxbra,
628 	ldy,
629 	le,
630 	ledbr,
631 	ledbra,
632 	ler,
633 	lexbr,
634 	lexbra,
635 	ley,
636 	lfh,
637 	lg,
638 	lgb,
639 	lgbr,
640 	lgdr,
641 	lgf,
642 	lgfi,
643 	lgfr,
644 	lgfrl,
645 	lgh,
646 	lghi,
647 	lghr,
648 	lghrl,
649 	lgr,
650 	lgrl,
651 	lh,
652 	lhh,
653 	lhi,
654 	lhr,
655 	lhrl,
656 	lhy,
657 	llc,
658 	llch,
659 	llcr,
660 	llgc,
661 	llgcr,
662 	llgf,
663 	llgfr,
664 	llgfrl,
665 	llgh,
666 	llghr,
667 	llghrl,
668 	llh,
669 	llhh,
670 	llhr,
671 	llhrl,
672 	llihf,
673 	llihh,
674 	llihl,
675 	llilf,
676 	llilh,
677 	llill,
678 	lmg,
679 	lndbr,
680 	lnebr,
681 	lngfr,
682 	lngr,
683 	lnr,
684 	lnxbr,
685 	lpdbr,
686 	lpebr,
687 	lpgfr,
688 	lpgr,
689 	lpr,
690 	lpxbr,
691 	lr,
692 	lrl,
693 	lrv,
694 	lrvg,
695 	lrvgr,
696 	lrvr,
697 	lt,
698 	ltdbr,
699 	ltebr,
700 	ltg,
701 	ltgf,
702 	ltgfr,
703 	ltgr,
704 	ltr,
705 	ltxbr,
706 	lxdb,
707 	lxdbr,
708 	lxeb,
709 	lxebr,
710 	lxr,
711 	ly,
712 	lzdr,
713 	lzer,
714 	lzxr,
715 	madb,
716 	madbr,
717 	maeb,
718 	maebr,
719 	mdb,
720 	mdbr,
721 	mdeb,
722 	mdebr,
723 	meeb,
724 	meebr,
725 	mghi,
726 	mh,
727 	mhi,
728 	mhy,
729 	mlg,
730 	mlgr,
731 	ms,
732 	msdb,
733 	msdbr,
734 	mseb,
735 	msebr,
736 	msfi,
737 	msg,
738 	msgf,
739 	msgfi,
740 	msgfr,
741 	msgr,
742 	msr,
743 	msy,
744 	mvc,
745 	mvghi,
746 	mvhhi,
747 	mvhi,
748 	mvi,
749 	mviy,
750 	mvst,
751 	mxbr,
752 	mxdb,
753 	mxdbr,
754 	n,
755 	nc,
756 	ng,
757 	ngr,
758 	ngrk,
759 	ni,
760 	nihf,
761 	nihh,
762 	nihl,
763 	nilf,
764 	nilh,
765 	nill,
766 	niy,
767 	nr,
768 	nrk,
769 	ny,
770 	o,
771 	oc,
772 	og,
773 	ogr,
774 	ogrk,
775 	oi,
776 	oihf,
777 	oihh,
778 	oihl,
779 	oilf,
780 	oilh,
781 	oill,
782 	oiy,
783 	or,
784 	ork,
785 	oy,
786 	pfd,
787 	pfdrl,
788 	risbg,
789 	risbhg,
790 	risblg,
791 	rll,
792 	rllg,
793 	rnsbg,
794 	rosbg,
795 	rxsbg,
796 	s,
797 	sdb,
798 	sdbr,
799 	seb,
800 	sebr,
801 	sg,
802 	sgf,
803 	sgfr,
804 	sgr,
805 	sgrk,
806 	sh,
807 	shy,
808 	sl,
809 	slb,
810 	slbg,
811 	slbr,
812 	slfi,
813 	slg,
814 	slbgr,
815 	slgf,
816 	slgfi,
817 	slgfr,
818 	slgr,
819 	slgrk,
820 	sll,
821 	sllg,
822 	sllk,
823 	slr,
824 	slrk,
825 	sly,
826 	sqdb,
827 	sqdbr,
828 	sqeb,
829 	sqebr,
830 	sqxbr,
831 	sr,
832 	sra,
833 	srag,
834 	srak,
835 	srk,
836 	srl,
837 	srlg,
838 	srlk,
839 	srst,
840 	st,
841 	stc,
842 	stch,
843 	stcy,
844 	std,
845 	stdy,
846 	ste,
847 	stey,
848 	stfh,
849 	stg,
850 	stgrl,
851 	sth,
852 	sthh,
853 	sthrl,
854 	sthy,
855 	stmg,
856 	strl,
857 	strv,
858 	strvg,
859 	sty,
860 	sxbr,
861 	sy,
862 	tm,
863 	tmhh,
864 	tmhl,
865 	tmlh,
866 	tmll,
867 	tmy,
868 	x,
869 	xc,
870 	xg,
871 	xgr,
872 	xgrk,
873 	xi,
874 	xihf,
875 	xilf,
876 	xiy,
877 	xr,
878 	xrk,
879 	xy,
880 }
882 /// Group of SystemZ instructions
883 enum SyszInstructionGroupId {
884 	invalid = 0,
886 	// Generic groups
887 	// All jump instructions (conditional+direct+indirect jumps)
888 	jump,
890 	// Architecture-specific groups
891 	distinctops = 128,
892 	fpextension,
893 	highword,
894 	interlockedaccess1,
895 	loadstoreoncond,
896 }